
This sample shows how to recover tokens using KMLIB. It restores the tokens from the backup file created by Sample2.c.

The following assumptions are made:

>Unwrap key secret_key_example exists in Slot 1. This is created when Sample1.c is run.

>Backup file backup.bin exists. This is created when Sample2.c is run

>The User pin is set to 9999 for Slot 1

So that it can be confirmed that the tokens have been restored from the backup file, delete public_key_example prior to running Sample 3.c.

Use the following ctkmu utility command to delete the file:

ctkmu d -s1 -n public_key_example

To check that the tokens have been restored, use either the ctbrowse utility or the following ctkmu utility command:

ctkmu l -s1

Documentation for the utilities can be found in the following manuals if required.

ctbrowse: ProtectToolkit-C Administration Guide

ctkmu: ProtectToolkit-C Programming Guide