
This function will prompt the user for a string, as specified in pszMessage.

The result is returned in the pszBuf parameter. The number of CK_CHARs copied into pszBuf is returned in pBufLen, which is also used as input to the function. If the number of CK_CHARs entered is larger than the number passed in in pBufLen, the function will return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and the required size will be returned in pBufLen.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_PromptString_t)( 
   const char *        pszMessage,
   char *              pBuf,
   CK_ULONG *          pBufLen
Parameter Description
pszMessage Message used to prompt the user for the string.
pBuf Pointer to buffer to accept string as entered by the user.
pBufLen Pointer to the length of the buffer to accept the entered string. Upon successful completion of the function, the CK_ULONG will contain either the number of bytes copied into pPin, or the length required to hold the entered string.