USB API Vendor-Defined Error Codes

The table below lists the error codes that may be returned from USB API calls.

Name Value Description
CKR_USB_OK 0 No Error
CKR_USB_GENERAL_ERROR 0x80000100 Error, cause unknown.
CKR_USB_INITIALIZED 0x80000101 The USB device has already been initialized.
CKR_USB_NO_DEVICES 0x80000102 No USB device is present.
CKR_USB_TRANSFER 0x80000103 Error during USB read/write operations.
CKR_USB_FS_EXISTS 0x80000104 A USB file system already exists.
CKR_USB_MEMORY 0x80000105 Memory allocation error.
CKR_USB_FS_NOT_PRESENT 0x80000106 No USB file system has been created.
CKR_USB_FS_NOT_OPENED 0x80000107 The file system must be opened before continuing.