
This function is used to obtain the userData associated with the current application. If there are no associated buffers, NULL is returned in ppUserData.


#include <objstate.h>
CK_RV FM_SetAppUserData(FmNumber_t fmNo,
CK_VOID_PTR_PTR ppuserData);
Parameter Description
fmNo The fm number of the caller. It must be FM_NUMBER_CUSTOM_FM in this release of the software.
ppuserData Address of a variable (of type CK_Void_PTR) which will contain the address of the user data if this function returns CKR_OK. It must be non-NULL.

Return Code

CKR_OK: The operation was successful. The associated user data is placed in the variable specified by ppUserData.

CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD: ppUserData was NULL, or fmNo was not FM_NUMBER_CUSTOM_FM.

CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED: Cryptoki is not yet initialized.