RC2 Cipher Object

Operations Supported

Encrypt, Decrypt, Multi-Part MAC, Multi-Part MAC Verify

Key Encoding

128 byte (Max)

Encrypt/Decrypt Modes

The least significant nibble (four bits) is used to determine the operational mode. The following list defines the possible values:


Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode. It may be combined with a padding mode (see below).


Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. It may be combined with a padding mode (see below).

MAC modes

For MAC generation and verification the following modes are available:


Standard CBC


Standard CBC with configurable MAC length (max 8 bytes).

Encrypt/Decrypt Parameters

In SYM_MODE_CBC, the parameter buffer must contain the IV (8 bytes). In SYM_MODE_ECB, there are no parameters.

MAC Parameters

When mode is SYM_MODE_MAC_GEN, parameter buffer contains at least 4 bytes, which is the little-endian encoding of an integer. The integer value must contain a value from 1 to 8, indicating the number of bytes of the final IV that will be used as the MAC.