Displaying Key Pair Properties

Key pair properties can be displayed by any user of the SafeNet ProtectToolkit-M keyset management utility.

To display the properties of a key pair:

1.Launch the keyset management utility from the Start menu by selecting Start > Programs > SafeNet > ProtectToolkit M > gmksm.

2.Select the key pair for which to display its properties.

3.Open the KeyPair menu and choose Properties.

Information shown includes the following:

>Keyset: Displays the name of the keyset on which the selected key pair resides.

>Container: Displays the name of the key container in which the selected key pair resides.

>Usage: Shows the key usage attribute of the selected key pair. This value will either be “EXCHANGE” or “SIGN”.

>Size: Shows the key size for the selected key pair.

>Private Key Held: This indicates if the private key for the selected key pair is present as part of the key pair. Since it is possible to import a public key only, this value will either be “TRUE” or “FALSE”.

>Exportable: Indicates whether the selected key pair can be backed up.