Setting the Adapter Transport Mode

The adapter transport mode allows an adapter HSM to be removed from the host system PCI bus without causing a tamper condition. A tamper will remove all sensitive material from the adapte,r including the adapter configuration, all keys, and certificates.

Setting the adapter transport mode is the responsibility of the device administrator and is performed using the SafeNet ProtectToolkit-M administration utility.

To set the adapter transport mode:

1.Launch the administration utility from the Start menu by selecting Start > Programs > SafeNet > ProtectToolkit M > gmadmin.

2.Select the desired adapter from the Active Adapters list.

3.Open the Adapter menu and choose Set Transport Mode.

4.The device administrator is now prompted to choose one of three possible transport modes:

None: To be applied when adapter is installed and configured. This mode will tamper the adapter if removed from the PCIe Bus.

Single -Adapter: Will not be tampered after removal from the PCIe bus. Adapter will automatically change to “None” Transport Mode the next time the adapter is reset or power is removed and restored.

Continuous -Adapter: Will not be tampered by being removed from the PCIe bus.

5.The administration utility will now prompt for the device administrator password.

NOTE   The transport mode does not disable the tamper response mechanism entirely. Any attempt to physically attack the adapter will still result in a tamper response.