De-allocating Keyset Space

If there are keyset spaces which are not likely to be used, it is good practice to de-allocate spare spaces from the HSM in order to prevent memory exhaustion or invalid use.

De-allocation of keyset space is the responsibility of the device administrator and is performed using the SafeNet ProtectToolkit-M administration utility.

To de-allocate keyset space:

1.Launch the administration utility from the Start menu by selecting Start > Programs > SafeNet > ProtectToolkit M > gmadmin.

2.Select any spare space from the Active Adapters list.

3.Open the Keyset menu and choose Deallocate Space.

4.The administration utility will now prompt for the device administrator password.

5.Following correct password entry, the spare keyset space will be removed from the list of displayed keysets.

NOTE   Keyset space cannot be de-allocated if an application is currently using SafeNet ProtectToolkit-M. See Session Exists Error in Known Issues.

To check if an application has any open sessions to SafeNet ProtectToolkit-M, check the value shown next to Application Count in the System section of the administration utility. This will need to be “1”, and the Total Session Count must be “0” in order for keyset de-allocation to succeed.

NOTE   If the value of Application Count is shown as “UNAVAILABLE”, your HSM firmware doesn’t support live application counting. In such a case, it is advisable to upgrade the HSM firmware to the latest version. Please refer to Checking and Upgrading HSM Firmware.