

        CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,


This function operates as specified in PKCS#11.

If the CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED flag is set for the Token associated with the provided session the session state must be either CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS or CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS,otherwise the error CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN is returned.

If the object referenced by the hKey parameter has the CKA_USAGE_COUNTattribute its value is incremented by this function.

SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C also allows that hKey may specify a certificate object in place of a public key.  In this case the certificate object is verified with the algorithm below.  If this verification succeeds the session is initialized using the public key stored in the certificate.  If the verification fails CKR_INVALID_KEY is returned and the session is not initialized. Further the certificate object’s CKA_TRUST_LEVEL is updated to indicate that the verification has failed.

To perform the certificate verification the object’s CKA_TRUSTED is checked. If it has the value TRUE the verification succeeds.  If the attribute has the value FALSE the certificate is validated.

For self-signed certificates (that is, where the subject and the issuer are the same) the certificate is validated if the CKA_TRUSTED is TRUE and the certificate’s signature is correct. If CKA_TRUSTED is FALSE for a self-signed certificate then the validation fails with CKR_CERT_NOT_VALIDATED. If the certificate is not self-signed, a search is made for the issuer’s certificate which is the certificate whose CKA_SUBJECT matches the CKA_ISSUER of the current certificate.  If the issuer’s certificate is not found, the verification fails.  If a matching issuer’s certificate is found the verification algorithm is performed on that certificate, and if that succeeds the original certificate’s signature is verified.  Issuer certificate validation will continue recursively up the certificate chain until a trusted certificate (self signed or not) is reached or a certificate in the chain fails validation for any reason including not being present.

NOTE   This function does not enforce certificate expiry or key usage flags store in the certificate.  Rather it relies on the standard Cryptoki attributes. This function will not always fail when an inappropriate key type is supplied. For example, if a private key is supplied to the function, it may succeed. In this case, however, the C_Verify will never return CKA_OK.