

        CK_BBOOL tokenPresent,
        CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList,
        CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount


This function operates as specified in PKCS#11.

Note however that when multiple devices are installed in a single machine they will appear as a set of consecutive slots.  For example, for two devices using their default configuration, 4 slots are visible. The first and third slots are normal user slots, the second and fourth slots are the Admin slots for their respective adapters.

Operation in WLD Mode

When SafeNet ProtectToolkit is configured to operate in WLD mode, this function returns the list of slots specified in the WLD configuration. Specifically:

>When tokenPresent is FALSE, and pSlotList is NULL_PTR, the value *pulcount is set to hold the number of WLD Slots.

>When tokenPresent is FALSE, and pSlotList is not NULL_PTR, the value *pulcount is set to hold the number of WLD Slots and pSlotList contains the list of WLD Slots. 

>When tokenPresent is TRUE, and pSlotList is NULL_PTR, the value *pulcount is set to hold the number of WLD Slots that have available HSM Tokens.

>When tokenPresent is TRUE, and pSlotList is not NULL_PTR, the value *pulcount is set to hold the number of WLD Slots that have available HSM Tokens and pSlotList contains the list of WLD Slots that have available HSM Tokens.