

CK_RV CT_GetObjectDigestFromParts(
         CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* IN */
         CK_MECHANISM_PTR pDigestMech,/* IN */
         char * tokenSerialNumber,    /* IN */
         char * tokenLabel,           /* IN */
         char * objLabel,             /* IN */
         CK_BYTE_PTR  objID,          /* IN */
         CK_ULONG     objIDlen,       /* IN */
         CK_BYTE_PTR * ppDigest,   /* OUT returned buffer 
(must be freed by caller) */
         CK_ULONG    * pulDigest   /* OUT length of returned buffer */


Compute the object digest as used by SET Attributes Ticket to identify the target object by using parts.

See also CT_GetObjectDigest.