Using the System Event Log

SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C maintains a system event log as a means of tracking serious hardware or operational faults, tamper events, and self-test error information.

Viewing and Interpreting the Event Log

Each time a self-test fails, an unexpected event occurs at run-time, or a tamper occurs, information about the event is recorded to the event log. There can be up to 1024 events in the event log.

Event records are written sequentially and labeled chronologically. If the date and time of a later entry is stating earlier than the entry preceding it, the real-time clock or audit information has likely been altered.

See Event Log Error Types for a complete list of possible error code values that may be recorded in the event log.

To view the event log:

From a command prompt, type:

ctconf –e

Purging the Event Log

When the event log is full, the HSM will no longer store new event records. The event log will then need to be purged.

The event log cannot be purged until it is full.

To purge the event log:

From a command prompt, type the following:

ctconf –p