Adding and Removing Slots

The Administrator can use the ctconf utility to add or remove slots in SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C

NOTE   It is not possible to add slots using ctconf while other SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C applications are running.

Adding Slots

When adding slots, new slots will have no effect on existing slots.

To add slots:

This example will add 2 slots to the current configuration. The user will be prompted for the Administrator’s PIN.

ctconf –c2

After adding slots, smart card and admin slot numbers will be readjusted automatically. Each token in the newly-created slots must be initialized, as described in Token Initialization.

Removing Slots

Before removing slots from SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C, ensure that the user or an application is not currently accessing a token within that slot.  Removal of a slot should only be undertaken after ensuring that the contained token and objects are no longer in use.

To remove slots:

This example will permanently remove slot 2 from SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C. The user will be prompted for the Administrator’s PIN.

ctconf –d2