Error Messages and Warnings

This section describes error messages and warnings specific to KMU.

KMU-specific warning messages

Warning Message


Incompatible Cryptoki Version

An attempt was made to use a feature of another Cryptoki version

Token not initialized

Initialize tokens before attempting to access them

Re-initializing the token will erase all currently stored keys

Store all further needed objects on cards/files before initailizing the token

No SO PIN entered

You must enter a SO PIN when initializing a token

No User PIN entered

You must enter a user PIN when initializing a token

No label entered

A key label should be entered when generating a key

KMU-specific error messages

Error Message


Couldn’t download SAM

The Software Application Module (SAM) that is used by the KMU when performing smart card operations was not set correctly.

Check that the smart card reader is securely attached to the lower port of the SafeNet ProtectServer HSM.

After having verified the connection, open a command prompt and change into the directory where the KMU is installed.

Type: SAMDEVL and press Enter

Couldn’t get smart card to respond

Check the connection between the smart card reader and the SafeNet ProtectServer HSM

Not enough room left on smart card for export

Re-initialize the card and erase its contents, and repeat the export operation

Smart card was not initialized

Re-initialize the smart card and retrieve information about the card

The key used to import was not the same as the key used to export

Retry the export/import operation using the same key for wrapping and unwrapping

Smart card was not initialized. Export Failed

Initialize the smart card before attempting to export keys

Smart card has already been processed

Retry the import operation using another card from the same batch

Smart card is from a different batch

Retry the import operation using another card from the given batch

The card inserted has already been written as part of this batch. Please insert another card

Insert a new card

There are no keys stored on the inserted card

Insert a card with keys stored on it

Please select a file to read

Specify the file containing the key before importing

Couldn’t read the selected file

Check the file’s read access rights

Unable to open selected file

Check the file’s path and access rights

An error occurred when writing file

Retry the export to file operation making sure that the path is correct and adequate access to the file is provided

Chunk MAC’s do not match. Import Failed

The MAC retrieved from the different data chunks written on smart cards doesn’t match with the initial one

No wrapping key selected

Specify a wrapping key before attempting to write a key to the file

An unwrapping key is required for this batch

Retry the import operation after making sure that the correct unwrapping key was selected

An unwrapping key is not required for this batch

The keys were exported using a random wrapping key. Specify no unwrapping key for import operations

Could not generate KVC on a key with Encrypt(E) attribute set to false

Only KVC’s of keys enabled for encryption can be calculated

No KVC entered

Re-enter the key with a KVC

KVC mismatch

The KVC of the key components and of the entered key do not match

Not a valid hex digit

An attempt was made to enter a wrong character in a key

No component entered

An attempt was made to store a key without having entered any key components

Wrong key size

When generating keys use the key ranges specified on page

User PIN’s don’t match

Make sure that you use the same user and user verification PINs.

SO PIN’s don’t match

Make sure that you use the same SO and SO verification PIN

Incorrect PIN length

Re-enter the PIN using a PIN length between 4 and 32

Incorrect PIN

An attempt was made to enter an incorrect character in the PIN string

User PIN is blocked

Unblock the PIN as SO, and then retry the operation

For other error messages generated by Cryptoki functions, see the PKCS#11 documentation.