Error Handling and Exceptions

The JCA/JCE framework includes a number of specialized exception classes:


Thrown if an error occurs during the final computation of the digest. Generally this indicates that the output buffer is of insufficient size.


Thrown by classes that use AlgorithmParameters or AlgorithmParameterSpec instances where the supplied instance is not compatible with the algorithm or the supplied parameter was null and the algorithm requires a non-null parameter.


Thrown by the various classes that use Key objects, such as Signature, Mac, and Cipher when the provided Key is not compatible with the given instance.


Only used in the deprecated interfaces in the Signature class and the deprecated class Signer.


Thrown by the KeyStore class when the object has not been initialized properly.


Thrown by the getInstance() methods when the requested algorithm is not available.


Thrown by the getInstance() methods when the requested provider is not available.


Thrown by the Signature class during signature generation or validation if the object has not been initialized correctly or an error occurs in the underlying ciphers.




Thrown by the Cipher class (or classes which use a Cipher class to process data) if this cipher is in decryption mode, (un)padding has been requested, and the deciphered data is not bounded by the appropriate padding bytes.


Thrown by the Cipher class (or classes which use a Cipher class to process data) if this cipher is a block cipher, no padding has been requested (only in encryption mode), and the total input length of the data processed by this cipher is not a multiple of block size


Thrown by the Cipher class by the getInstance() method when a transformation is requested that contains a padding scheme that is not available.


Thrown by the Cipher class when an output buffer is supplied that is too small to hold the result.