audit audit

Configure the audit user role.


audit audit {init | changepwd | secret}


Shortcut Description
changepwd c Change the audit user password.
init i Initialize the audit user role.
secret s Generate the Audit secret key in the Admin token. You will be prompted to enter at least 3 parameters If an Audit key is already present, it will be deleted. You must restart the HSM to put the new key in service.


psesh:>audit audit init
Please Enter the SO PIN:
Please Enter the new Auditor's PIN:
Please re-enter the new Auditor's PIN:
Command Result : 0 (Success)
psesh:>audit audit secret
Please Enter the Auditor's PIN:
Please enter number of params (minimum 3): 3
Please enter parameter #0:12345678
Please enter parameter #1:87654321
Please enter parameter #2:01020304
Audit Key created successfully
Command Result : 0 (Success)
psesh:>audit audit changepwd
Please Enter the old Auditor's PIN:
Please Enter the new Auditor's PIN:
Please re-enter the new Auditor's PIN:
Command Result : 0 (Success)