

#include “fmciphobj.h”
int (*GetInfo)(struct CipherObj * ctx, struct CipherInfo * info);  


This function can be called to obtain the values of the algorithm-dependent parameters of a cipher object.




ctx The address of a cipher object.
info The address of the info structure that will contain the algorithm information when the function returns.

Return Value

0: Operation completed successfully.

Otherwise: there was an error – this should not happen.


The info structure is defined as (from fmciphobj.h):

struct CipherInfo {
char name[32];
unsigned int minKeyLength;
unsigned int maxKeyLength;
unsigned int blockSize;
unsigned int defSignatureSize;
struct CipherObj * ciph;

The field meanings are:

>name: Name of the cipher algorithm. Zero terminated.

>minKeyLength: Minimum key length, in number of bytes

>maxKeyLength: Maximum key length, in number of bytes

>blockSize: Cipher block size, in number of bytes

>defSignatureSize: Default  Signature size, in number of bytes

>ciph: The address of the cipher object (obsolete, and not filled in by most cipher objects).