Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman is an anonymous key-agreement protocol. CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE is the derive function for that protocol.

NOTE   To enhance performance, we have created a proprietary call CA_DeriveKeyAndWrap, which is an optimization of C_DeriveKey with C_Wrap, merging the two functions into one (the in and out constraints are the same as for the individual functions). A further optimization is applied when mechanism CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE is used with CA_DeriveKeyAndWrap.

If CA_DeriveKeyAndWrap is called with other mechanisms, those would not be optimized.


FIPS approved? Yes
Supported functions Derive
Functions restricted from FIPS use None
Minimum key length (bits) 105
Minimum key length for FIPS use (bits) 224
Minimum legacy key length for FIPS use (bits) 160
Maximum key length (bits) 571
Block size 0
Digest size 0
Key types ECDSA | EC_MONT | BIP32
Algorithms None
Modes None
Flags None