Backup to Luna Cloud HSM

Luna Cloud HSM services allow you to back up your partition objects securely in the cloud, with no additional HSM hardware. With Universal Cloning( includes Extended Domain Management and CPv4, and requires Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.0 or newer for the on-premises HSM and Luna HSM Client 10.5.0 or newer), Luna Cloud HSM can now clone keys from both password-and multifactor quorum-authenticated Luna HSMs. You can create Luna Cloud HSM backups using slot-to-slot cloning, or set up an HA group to synchronize your partition contents with Luna Cloud HSM.

Refer to the following sections to set up and use this backup method:

>Adding a Luna Cloud HSM Service for instructions on adding and initializing Luna Cloud HSM for use with your deployment.

>Cloning Objects to Another Application Partition for instructions on creating Luna Cloud HSM backups.

>Configuring a High-Availability Group for instructions on setting up a synchronized Luna Cloud HSM service.

>Cloning Keys Between Luna 6, Luna 7, and Luna Cloud HSM for additional information about mixed-environment cloning.