You are viewing the latest version of the Luna USB HSM 7 documentation, which covers allreleased Luna USB HSM 7 and its supportedLuna HSM Client 10 components, and is updatedfrequently with the latest corrections andimprovements.
Older versions of the documentation arerelease-specific or refer to the older Luna USBHSM G5. Select a release to view the availabledocumentation for the release. These archiveddocuments are no longer updated, and maycontain errors and omissions.
The Luna USB HSM G5 is compatible with allreleased versions of the Luna HSM Client,although the archived documentation does notreflect this. Refer to this latest version forinformation about Luna UC installation and use.The capabilities of your Luna USB HSM G5 aredescribed in the documentation for its currentfirmware version.
Displays a list of the HSM servers trusted by this client.
vtl listServers
>vtl listservers Server: Server: testserver
Luna USB HSM 7 Documentation
© Copyright 2001-2024, Thales Group
Last Updated: 2024-12-11 13:12:15 GMT-05:00
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