cmu getpkc

Retrieve a Public Key Confirmation from the HSM.

NOTE   This operation works with non-extractable keys only, and supports both RSA and ECC keypair types.


cmu getpkc [{-handle=<handle#> | -ouid=<OUID#>}] [-outputfile=<filename>] [-verify]

Argument(s) Description
-handle=<handle#> The handle to the corresponding private key for the PKC. This method of selection applies to Luna HSMs only. On a Luna Cloud HSM service slot, use -ouid.
-ouid=<OUID#> The Object Unified Identifier (OUID) to the corresponding private key for the PKC. This method of selection applies to Luna Cloud HSM services only. On a Luna HSM slot, use -handle.
-outputfile=<filename> The name of the file that receives the PKC.
-verify Sets a flag to verify the PKC against the certificate that signed the PKC. It must be set to True or False (or 1 or 0), with False being the default.

If you run the command with no parameters, you are prompted for the mandatory ones.

See also Common CMU Options.


cmu getpkc –handle=5