cmu export

This function exports an X.509 certificate or public key from the token or HSM to a file. The supported formats are Raw (binary) and PEM (base 64 encoding).


cmu export -outputfile=<filename> [-handle=<handle#> | -ouid=<OUID#>] [-binary] [-key] [-certdelete]

Argument(s) Description
-binary Defines the export format as raw binary (DER encoding) instead of the default PEM (base64) encoding.
-certdelete Specifies that the certificate is to be deleted from the HSM after it is exported (equivalent to running the cmu delete command separately).
-handle=<handle#> The handle of the X.509 certificate to be exported from the HSM to a file. If only one certificate is present on the partition, you do not need to specify its handle. This method of selection applies to Luna HSMs only. On a Luna Cloud HSM service slot, use -ouid.
-key Specifies that the object being exported is a public key.
-label=<label> This option is deprecated and it is ignored. You must specify the -handle or -ouid of the certificate to export.
-ouid=<OUID#> The Object Unified Identifier (OUID) of the X.509 certificate to be exported from the HSM to a file. If only one certificate is present on the partition, you do not need to specify its OUID. This method of selection applies to Luna Cloud HSM services only. On a Luna HSM slot, use -handle.
-outputfile=<filename> Defines the name of the file that receives the exported certificate.

See also Common CMU Options.


The following command outputs the certificate with handle 7 to file test.cer in PEM format:

cmu export -handle=7 -outputfile=test.cer