hsm smkclone

Clone the Scalable Key Storage Masking Key (SMK) from the current slot to the target slot.

Always back up any SMK that you have created (with partition archive backup to an SKS Backup HSM), before performing an action that would overwrite that SMK, like hsm smkClone or like partition archive restore from an SKS partition on an SKS Backup HSM. Failure to do so risks permanently losing any objects that are encrypted with that original SMK.

CAUTION!   This command overwrites the SMK in the target partition with the SMK from the source. If you have exported any objects using a particular SMK, that SMK must be backed up to a Backup HSM before you overwrite it with smkclone, or those exported objects become unusable and can never be recovered.

An SMK secret that is cloned from a source V1 HSM partition to a target V1 partition overwrites any pre-existing V1 SMK on the target partition. SMK secrets cloned from V0 partitions do not overwrite V1 SMK secrets, but are stored separately.

On a Luna PCIe HSM 7 or Luna USB HSM 7 the Admin partition defaults to V1, so it has an SMK.

NOTE   The hsm commands appear only when LunaCM's active slot is set to the administrative partition.


hsm smkClone -slot <slot number> [-force] -password <password>

Argument Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without prompting for confirmation (useful when scripting commands).
-password <password> -p Password of the target slot.
-slot <number> -sl Target slot to which the source SMK is to be cloned (overwriting any SMK that might already be in the target slot).


lunacm (64-bit) v10.7.1-62. Copyright (c) 2024 Thales Group. All rights reserved.
        Available HSMs:
        Slot Id ->              3
        Label ->                MyPar
        Serial Number ->        1292468271971
        Model ->                Luna K7
        Firmware Version ->     7.8.4
        Bootloader Version ->   1.1.5
        Configuration ->        Luna User Partition With SO (PW) Signing With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     User Token Slot
        FM HW Status ->         FM Ready
        Slot Id ->              103
        Label ->                card1
        Serial Number ->        555111
        Model ->                Luna K7
        Firmware Version ->     7.8.4
        Bootloader Version ->   1.1.5
        Configuration ->        Luna HSM Admin Partition (PW) Signing With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     Admin Token Slot
        FM HW Status ->         FM Ready
        HSM Configuration ->    Luna HSM Admin Partition (PW)
        HSM Status ->           L3 Device
        HSM Certificates ->     
        Slot Id ->              104
        Label ->                G7Par
        Serial Number ->        1434611353268
        Model ->                Luna G7
        Firmware Version ->     7.7.3
        Bootloader Version ->   1.6.0
        Configuration ->        Luna User Partition With SO (PW) Key Export With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     User Token Slot
        Slot Id ->              105
        Label ->                G7HSM
        Serial Number ->        616161
        Model ->                Luna G7
        Firmware Version ->     7.7.3
        Bootloader Version ->   1.6.0
        Configuration ->        Luna HSM Admin Partition (PW) Key Export With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     Admin Token Slot
        HSM Status ->           L3 Device, OK
        HSM Certificates ->     
        Current Slot Id: 3
lunacm:>s s s 103
        Current Slot Id:  103     (Luna Admin Slot 7.8.4 (PW) Signing With Cloning Mode)
Command Result : No Error
lunacm:>role login -n so -p so-password
Command Result : No Error
lunacm:>hsm smkclone -slot 105 -password so-password
        Logging in to target slot 105
        Cloning the SMK.
                The SMK was cloned successfully.
Command Result : No Error