Deleting an FM From the HSM Firmware

This procedure allows the HSM SO to delete a specified FM from the HSM firmware using the ctfm tool provided with the Luna HSM Client software.

NOTE   If you are replacing the currently-loaded FM with an updated version, you do not need to delete the old version. If the new version has the same FM ID, it will replace the original version in the HSM firmware (see Loading an FM Into the HSM Firmware).

In addition to the procedure below, other actions can cause FMs to be deleted from the HSM and the SMFS to be erased. See Effects of Administrative Actions on Functionality Modules.


>You require the FM ID of the FM you wish to delete.

To delete an FM from the HSM firmware

1.[Optional] Use ctfm to list the FMs currently loaded on the HSM and see the desired FM ID.

ctfm q

2.Delete the FM by specifying its FM ID. You are prompted for the HSM SO credential.

ctfm d -i <FM_ID>

3.[Optional] Check the FM status again. The deleted FM's status is listed as "Zombie". At this point the FM is disabled, and its data will be fully deleted the next time you restart the HSM.

ctfm q

[user@myLunaClient bin]# ./ctfm
Luna Functionality Module Management Utility (64-bit) v7.4.0-208. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.

Getting status of the FM on all available devices

Current Functionality Module Configuration for device 0:
Serial # : 67842
Model    : Luna K7
SMFS     : Activated

FM Label      : skeleton
FM ID         : a000
Version       : 1.01
Manufacturer  : Safenet Inc.
Build Time    : Wed Dec  5 14:44:47 2018 - EST
Fingerprint   : 78 7C E3 C2 01 54 B3 99 08 59
ROM size      : 7302
Status        : Zombie (reboot HSM to cleanup)
Startup Status: OK

4.Launch LunaCM, change the active slot to the Admin partition, and restart the HSM.

lunacm:> slot set -slot <Admin_slot_number>

lunacm:> hsm restart