REST API for Luna Network HSMs
Web Server Configuration Description

Web Server Configuration Description

    apiVersion: Object
        type:  integer
        description:  apiVersion is the revision of the REST API service.

    cipherList: Object
        type:  string
        description:  cipherList is the cipher suite the REST API service is to
                      accept for applications requesting connection to the web server.
                      cipherList is a sub-set of the ciphers known to the REST
                      API service.
    csr: Object
        type:  string
        description:  csr is the certificate signing request to apply for a public key

    ipAddress: Object
        type:  string
        description:  ipAddress is the network address to the REST API service.

    netDevice: Object
        type:  string
        description:  netDevice is the interface to which the REST API service is bound.
                      Valid interfaces for SA7 are:  eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3, all, all_ipv4, bond0 and bond1. ("all" includes all ipv6 and ipv4 addresses.)
                      Valid interfaces for SA6 are:  eth0, eth1, all, bond0. ("all" includes all ipv4 addresses.)

    port: Object
        type:  integer
        description:  port is the logical end-point number reserved for the REST API service.
                      The port must be within the range:  80 to 65535.

    threads: Object
        type:  integer
        description:  threads is the number of simultaneous connections the REST API service
                      supports.  A small number of threads implies restricted administrative
                      access to the appliance.

    actions: Object
        type:  string
        description:  actions is the url to get a list of webserver actions.

    certificate: Object
        type:  string
        description:  certificate is the url to get the certificiate currently being used by the web server.

    corsOrigins: Object
        type:  Array
                item: Object
                        corsOrigin: Object
        description:  corsOrigins is the list of Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing (CORS) origins.
                      It determines from which origins requests are allowed.
                      If "*" is given in the list and the request's credentials mode is 'include',
                      browsers will block requests containing credentials.

    blacklist: Object
        type:  string
        description:  blacklist is the location of the blacklist configuration.

    maxFileSize: Object
        type:  integer
        description:  maxFileSize is the allowed maximum size of files uploaded in requests.
                      The unit of maxFileSize is kilo byte. The range is between 0 and 10000000.
                      The default value is 1048576.

    sessionTimeout: Object
                type:  integer
                description:  sessionTimeout is the allowed maximum time for which session will remain alive.
                                          The unit of sessionTimeout is seconds. The range is between 600 and 1200.
                                          The default value is 600.

See Also

GET /api/lunasa/webServer
PUT /api/lunasa/webServer
PATCH /api/lunasa/webServer
GET /api/lunasa/webServer/certificate
GET /api/lunasa/webServer/actions
GET /api/lunasa/webServer/csr
GET /api/lunasa/webServer/blacklist