REST API for Luna Network HSMs
NTP Server

NTP Server

    address: Object
        type: string
        description: This member represents the host or ip address of the NTP server.
    keyId: Object
        type: integer
        description: This member represents the key id used in communication with the NTP server (1-65535).
    protocolVersion: Object
        type: integer
        description: This member represents the protocol version used in communication with the NTP server (1-4).
    isAutokeyEnabled: Object
        type: boolean
        description: This member represents flag controlling enabling autokey authentication.
    isBurstEnabled: Object
        type: boolean
        description: This member represents flag controlling sending a burst of packets instead of usual single packet.
    isInitialBurstEnabled: Object
        type: boolean
        description: This member represents flag controlling sending a burst of packets when an initial connection cannot be established.
    isPreferredServer: Object
        type: boolean
        description: This member represents flag designating this server as the preferred one.

See Also

GET /api/lunasa/ntp/servers/{serverid}