REST API for SafeNet Network HSMs
Gets the indirect login challenge from a user partition of the admin HSM.
The serial number of the HSM of interest
Use: Required
JSON Schema:
Object type: string
The identifier of the partition of interest
Use: Required
JSON Schema:
Object type: string
The identifier of the PED used to authenticate to the HSM
Use: Required
JSON Schema:
Object type: string
The identifier of the role needed to authenticate to the HSM
Use: Required
JSON Schema:
Object type: string
The certificate needed to secure wrap data off and onto HSMs
Use: Required
JSON Schema:
Object type: string
A challenge needed by the service HSM to authenticate for indirect login.
JSON Schema:
type: string description: challenge is the authentication data to be provided to obtain the response needed for indirect login.
"Location" is the URL to the challenge and is returned in the server response. You can use "Location" to form a GET resource to obtain the challenge.
see GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/indirect/challenges/{challengeid}
Unexpected error
HSM or partition does not exist.
POST {"ped": "1", "role": "so", "certificate": "AwAAADCCBA...R7ltguqfo="}
{'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Location': '/api/lunasa/hsms/154704/challenges/0', 'Content-Length': '2', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true'} { "challenge": "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" }