REST API for SafeNet Network HSMs
Object actions: Object type: array items: Object id: Object type: string description: id is an internal reference for the action. Use this identifier to complete the action with a POST. Valid actions are: connect - establish a communication path between the HSM and a PED on a remote workstation parameters: Object ipAddress: Object type: string description: ipAddress is the IP address of remote PED workstation. ipPort: Object type: integer description: ipPort is the network port listening on the remote PED workstation for incoming connection requests. disconnect - tear down a previously-established communication path between the HSM and a PED on a remote workstation parameters: none vectorErase - remove the PED vector on the HSM Parameters: none vectorInitialize - create a PED authentication value to be used to establish communication between the HSM and a remote PED Parameters: none
url: string (see POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/peds/{pedid}/actions/{actionid})