REST API for SafeNet Network HSMs
Object monitor: Object type: Object hsmUpTime: Object type: integer description: hsmUpTime is the number of seconds since the last reset of the HSM. commandsSinceReset: Object type: integer description: commandsSinceReset is the number of low-level protocol commands received since the last reset of the HSM. commandsLastInterval: Object type: integer description: commandsLastInterval is the number of low-level protocol commands received over the period specified in seconds by the monitoring interval. The monitoring interval is the polling period to collect the counters of this resource. utilizationSinceReset: Object type: integer description: utilizationSinceReset is an approximation (percentage) of how busy the HSM has been since the last reset. The counter approximates average CPU use. UtilizationLastInterval: Object type: integer description: utilizationLastInterval is an approximation (percentage) of how busy the HSM has been over the period specified in seconds by the monitoring interval.