REST API  4.0.0
REST API for SafeNet Network HSMs



    version: Object
        type: string
        description:  The current version of the appliance.

    forceSoLogin: Object
        type: boolean
        description:  Specifies whether the forceSoLogin flag is enabled, the flag is
                      used to force security officer credentials on actions that would
                      otherwise not be needed.

    hsms: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for hsm info.

    syslog: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for syslog info.

    ssh: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for SSH info.

    network: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for network info.

    services: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for service info.

    ntp: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for ntp info.

    actions: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for appliance actions.
    time: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for appliance time.
    ssh: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for appliance ssh.
    sensors: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for appliance sensors.

See Also

GET /api/lunasa/hsms
GET /api/lunasa/syslog
GET /api/lunasa/network
GET /api/lunasa/services
GET /api/lunasa/ntp
GET /api/lunasa/time
GET /api/lunasa/ssh
GET /api/lunasa/sensors
POST /api/lunasa/actions