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REST API for Luna Network HSMs
Export Partition Policy Template. It will overwrite the content of file if the specified file is already exist. Policy template file will be created/updated in user's directory
Users with the following role privileges can perform this command:
The serial number of the HSM of interest
Use: Required
JSON Schema:
Object type: integer maximum: 9999999999 minimum: 1
The identifier of the partition of interest
Use: Required
JSON Schema:
Object type: integer maximum: 9999999999999999 minimum: 1000000
Specifies the filename for a template file in which export the current state of all HSM policies.
Use: Required
JSON Schema:
Object type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_. -]
"Location" is the URL to created file. You can use "Location" to form a GET resource to obtain the file.
GET /users/{userid}/files/{fileid}
The specified filename is invalid or contains system reserved name.
The HSM specified does not exist.
The partition specified does not exist.
POST { "file": "partitionPolicyTemplate" }
{'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Location': '/users/admin/files/partitionPolicyTemplate', 'Content-Length': '712', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true'} { }
GET /users/{userid}/files/{fileid}
GET /users/{userid}/files/{fileid}/download