sysconf ssh client add

Register an SSH client.  

NOTE   This command is available with appliance software 7.7.1 onward.  

This command limits access to the HSM via SSH, by applying a white-list of clients for a user. New IP addresses (comma-delimited if more than one) are added to the existing list, or a list is created.

NOTE   For multiple IP address entry, surround the list with quotation marks and separate list members with comma delimiters. Spaces are optional for readability, and are ignored.

If the list already includes an IP address that is being added, that address is ignored and any new ones are added to the list.

Invalid entries are flagged and the command exits.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




sysconf ssh client add -userId <username> -host <multipleipaddresses> -force

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-host <multipleipaddresses> -h SSH client IP(s) to register. Use ',' as a delimiter.
-userId <username> -u User Name
-force -f Force the action with no prompting.

Example with single new IP address

lunash:>sysconf ssh client list
User ID              Client Access status                                            
audit                All clients                                                     
admin                All clients                                                     
monitor              All clients                                                     
operator             All clients                                                     
Alice                All clients                                                     

Command Result : 0 (Success)

lunash:>sysconf ssh client list add -userId Alice -h

Alice will forfeit ssh access from any hosts not
configured with this Luna Network HSM.

If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed',
otherwise type 'quit'

> proceed

INFO: Restarting sshd service is recommended to apply updated
      ssh access configuration.

Command Result : 0 (Success)

lunash:>sysconf ssh client list                           

User ID              Client Access status                                            
audit                All clients                                                     
admin                All clients                                                     
monitor              All clients                                                     
operator             All clients                                                     

Command Result : 0 (Success)



User ID "Alice" existed in the list (was registered) and that user ID could be accessed on the appliance from any host.
The command in the example adds a single host IP that now becomes the only IP from which that user ID can be accessed on this appliance via SSH.
The other user IDs in the list (audit, admin, monitor, and operator) remain wide open and can be accessed via SSH from any host IP, unless you have imposed other restrictions in your network configuration, external to the Network HSM appliance.

Example with multiple new IP addresses

lunash:>sysconf ssh client list                           

User ID              Client Access status                                            
audit                All clients                                                     
admin                All clients                                                     
monitor              All clients                                                     
operator             All clients                                                     

Command Result : 0 (Success)

lunash:>sysconf ssh client add -userId Alice -host ",,"

Alice will forfeit ssh access from any hosts not
configured with this Luna Network HSM.

If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed',
otherwise type 'quit'

> proceed

INFO: Restarting sshd service is recommended to apply updated
      ssh access configuration.

Command Result : 0 (Success)

lunash:>sysconf ssh client list                                                       

User ID              Client Access status                                            
audit                All clients                                                     
admin                All clients                                                     
monitor              All clients                                                     
operator             All clients                                                     

Command Result : 0 (Success)


User ID "Alice" existed in the list (was registered) and that client could access the appliance from just a single host IP.
The command in the example adds more host IPs such that the original host as well as three new ones become the only host IPs from which that client can access this appliance via SSH.
The host IPs listed in the command happened to include the pre-existing one. That was not necessary to retain the pre-existing host IP, but also does not conflict.
The other user IDs in the list remain wide open and can be accessed via SSH from any host IP, unless you have imposed other restrictions in your network configuration, external to the Network HSM appliance.

Example with multiple new IP addresses with extra spaces

lunash:>sysconf ssh client list                                                       

User ID              Client Access status                                            
audit                All clients                                                     
admin                All clients                                                     
monitor              All clients                                                     
operator             All clients                                                     

Command Result : 0 (Success)

lunash:>sysconf ssh client add -userId Alice -host ", ,  "

Alice will forfeit ssh access from any hosts not
configured with this Luna Network HSM.

If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed',
otherwise type 'quit'

> proceed

INFO: Restarting sshd service is recommended to apply updated
      ssh access configuration.

Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>sysconf ssh client list                                                                

User ID              Client Access status                                            
audit                All clients                                                     
admin                All clients                                                     
monitor              All clients                                                     
operator             All clients                                                     

Command Result : 0 (Success)


User ID "Alice" existed in the list (was registered) and that client could access the appliance from any of four registered host IPs, but no other host IP could connect over SSH for that client user ID.
The command in the example adds a three more host IPs that expand the list to seven host IPs from which that client can access this appliance via SSH.
The existing host IPs are retained; it was not necessary to specify them again, when adding new ones. If they had been included, they would have been ignored.
The quotation marks enclosing the full list of new host IPs are optional, the commas that separate the IPs being added are required, but the spaces are ignored.
The other user IDs in the list remain wide open and can be accessed via SSH from any host IP, unless you have imposed other restrictions in your network configuration, external to the Network HSM appliance.