stcconfig hmacshow

List the HMAC message digest algorithms you can use for message integrity verification on an STC link.


stcconfig hmacshow -slot <slot_ID>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-slot <slot_ID> -s

Specifies the slot containing the partition whose available HMAC algorithms you want to display.

This argument is available only if you are logged into the HSM's Admin partition.


lunacm:> stcconfig hmacshow

This table lists the HMAC algorithms supported for STC links to the current slot.
Enabled algorithms are accepted during STC link negotiation with a client.
At least one HMAC algorithm must be enabled.

HMAC ID      HMAC Name                                Enabled

0            HMAC with SHA 256 Bit                    Yes

1            HMAC with SHA 512 Bit                    Yes

Command Result : No Error