System Logging

Luna Network HSM gathers logs about appliance events, separate from events on the HSM itself. This chapter contains the following sections about system logging:

>About System Logging

>Configuring System Logging

Rotating System Logs

Customizing Severity Levels

Reading System Logs

Exporting System Logs

Deleting System Logs

>Remote System Logging

Configuring a Remote Syslog Server

Customizing Remote Logging Severity Levels

For HSM event logging, see Audit Logging.

About System Logging

Logs are managed with the syslog commands (see syslog), where you set rotation and other parameters to suit your own monitoring and management schedule. You can configure flexible logs to gather only information you consider relevant, or send different logs to different remote hosts.

NOTE   Syslog format is in accordance with RFC 5424. See Syslog Introduction for information on reading and interpreting system log messages.

Log Severity Levels

Event logs are categorized according to the severity of their impact on the system. The table Table 1: syslog Severity Levels defines the different categories from most to least severe. You can customize logging to include events based on their severity.

Table 1: syslog Severity Levels
Severity Keyword Severity Description
emerg/panic System is unusable
alert Action must be taken immediately
critical Critical condition
err/error Error condition
warn/warning Warning condition
notice Normal but significant condition
info Informational message
debug Debug-level message

Hardware Monitoring and Logging

1.SMART technology monitors the hard disk.

2.IPMI technology monitors CPU fan speed and temperature, as well as PSU (power supply unit) voltage, fan speed and temperature.

The system logs temperature changes of 2 degrees in either direction.