cmu import

This function:

>Imports X.509 certificates from a file to the token or HSM. The file may include a single DER encoded binary certificate or a CMSS PKCS #7 certificate or certificate set. Either type of certificate can be binary or PEM (base 64) encoded. An optional label can be defined as a function parameter. If omitted, the common name of the certificate subject is chosen as the label.

>Imports a public key onto an HSM partition


cmu import -inputFile=<filename> [-label=<label>] [-pubkey=<keytype>] [-password=<password>] [-ped=<PED_ID>] [-slot=<slot#>]

Argument(s) Description
-inputFile=<filename> Defines the name of the file containing the certificate to import.
-label=<label> Defines a label to apply to the imported file. If the file is a certificate, and no label is defined, the Common Name portion of the certificate distinguished name is used instead. If the file is a public key, it can be any text you care to apply.
-private=<T> or <F> Defines whether a certificate is created in the private space (default is -private=T). Set -private=F to make the created certificate publicly accessible for applications that need to acquire the certificate without need for authentication.
-pubkey=<keytype> When the input file is a public key, defines the type of key to be imported. Use lowercase.
-password=<password> The password for the role accessing the current slot, with the current command. If this is not specified, it is prompted.
-ped=<PED_ID> Specifies the PED ID for the registered Remote PED that will handle authentication for the current slot, with the current command. You must specify this parameter to use Remote PED authentication.
-slot=<slot#> The slot to be acted upon, by the current command. If this is not specified, it is prompted.


The following example inputs the public key in secp521r1-pub.pem

cmu import –in secp521r1-pub.pem –label ID3pubkey –pubkey=ecdsa  
Select token
  [0] Token Label: tsb012
  [1] Token Label: txb161
  Enter choice: 1 
Please enter password for token in slot 1 : ******* 

cmu list  
Select token  
  [0] Token Label: tsb012
  [1] Token Label: txb161
  Enter choice: 1 
Please enter password for token in slot 1 : ******* 
handle=235       label=ID3pubkey