role show

Shows the state of the named role.

NOTE   For the Auditor role, if the bad login attempt threshold is exceeded, the HSM locks out that role for 60 seconds. The output of role show, during that time, gives a status of "Locked out".

However, role show continues to show a state of "Locked out" even after the lockout time has expired; the displayed status does not reset until after a successful login.


role show -name <role>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-name <role> -n The name of the role to show.


lunacm:> role show -name co

        State of role 'Crypto Officer':
                Primary authentication type:          PED
                Secondary authentication type:        PIN
                Failed login attempts before lockout: 10

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:> role show -name Crypto User

        State of role 'Crypto User':
        Not initialized.

Command Result : No Error