Extensions to PKCS#11

This chapter describes the Luna extensions to the PKCS#11 standard. It contains the following topics:

>Luna Extensions to PKCS#11

>HSM Configuration Settings

>Luna Network HSM-Specific Commands

>Secure PIN Port Authentication

>High Availability Indirect Login Functions Prior to HSM Firmware 7.7

>MofN Secret Sharing (quorum or multi-person access control)

>Key Export Features

>Secure External Scalable Key Storage (SKS) Extensions

>Derivation of Symmetric Keys with 3DES_ECB

>PKCS#11 Extension HA Status Call

>Counter Mode KDF Mechanisms

>BIP32 Mechanism Support and Implementation

>Derive Template

>3GPP Mechanisms for 5G Mobile Networks

>SM2/SM4 Mechanisms

>SHA-3 Mechanisms