SNMP Traps

Simple Network Management Protocol provides a procedure to collect information from devices in a network. Luna Network HSM appliances support SNMP through queries (e.g., “walking” managed information base trees) and through asynchronous notification of events (i.e., traps). This version of Syslog and SNMP Monitoring Guide describes the support for traps in Luna Network HSM appliances.

For the purpose of making the examples that follow easier to describe, assume that your name is Pete. While it may not be evident just yet, the subject of traps and the preceding text that describes syslog messages are related. On the appliance is the Luna SNMP Trap Agent or lsta. When you configure and enable traps, lsta runs as a background process and uses the named pipe feature of the system logging facility (rsyslog) to receive messages directed to log files. Thus, lsta receives a copy of all log messages. Using some of the rules for interpreting log messages described in Interpreting Logs, lsta generates traps for significant events.

NOTE   Luna SA uses a version of rsyslogd that supports logging output to named pipes (fifos). While the man pages for rsyslog states that "this is handy for debugging," nothing restricts the feature for other uses and Thales has leveraged it for SNMP trap generation. lsta creates the fifo the first time the process starts up.

This chapter contains the following sections:

>Configuring and Enabling Traps on Luna Network HSM

>Configuring Trap Notification

>Testing Trap Events on Luna Network HSM

>Luna Network HSM Appliance Trap Events

>Appliance MIB Overview

>Sub-System Log Reference
