Accessing LunaSH

LunaSH is the command interface for Luna Network HSM.

Connect to the Luna appliance using any SSH-capable communication utility (Windows users can use the provided putty.exe).

When a successful connection is made, a terminal window opens and the prompt "login as:" appears.

For maximum access, type "admin" and press Enter.

You are prompted for the admin password. If this is the first time you have connected, the default password is "PASSWORD", and you are required to change it to something more secure.

Once you have logged in, the system presents the LunaSH prompt, which includes the hostname that you have assigned to your Luna appliance:

[myLuna] lunash:>

You can now issue any LunaSH command. For a summary, type "?" or "help" and press Enter.

If the admin user has previously created other users, and you know the relevant password, you can log in as a named user instead of "admin".