token backup update capability

Update a Luna Backup HSM Capability, using a capability update package that you have acquired from Thales and transferred via pscp/scp to the Luna appliance. Before you can use this command, you must:

>Acquire the secure package update file from Thales and send the file to the Luna Network HSM (using pscp or scp)

>Open the file on the Luna Network HSM with the LunaSH command package update <filename> -authcode <authcode>

A capability update or a firmware update is meant to be applied just one time to an HSM. If you attempt to re-apply a capability update to an HSM that already has the capability installed, the system throws an error like " C0000002 : RC_GENERAL_ERROR ". A similar result occurs if you attempt to install a particular firmware update more than once on one HSM. This is expected behavior.

NOTE   This command is deprecated as capability upgrades are included in firmware updates. See token backup update firmware.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




token backup update capability -serial <serialnum> -capability <capabilityname> [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-capability <capabilityname> -c Specifies the capability name.
-force -f Force the action without prompting.
-serial <serialnum> -s Specifies the Backup HSM serial number.


lunash:>token backup update capability -serial 667788 -capability newcapability

CAUTION:  This command updates the Token Capability.
This process cannot be reversed.

Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit'
to quit now.

> proceed

This is a NON-destructive capability update

Update Result :0 (Capability newcapability added)

Command Result : 0 (Success)