sysconf reimage start

Restore the appliance and the HSM to the following pre-installed baseline software/firmware versions:

>Appliance software: 7.2

>HSM firmware: 7.0.3

You must be logged in as HSM SO to use this command.

CAUTION!   This command is destructive; all partitions and cryptographic objects will be destroyed, and the HSM must be re-initialized. The operation takes 15-20 minutes, and the appliance reboots twice. Do not reboot the appliance manually during this time. Ensure that you have a power backup in place before re-imaging the appliance.

NOTE   This feature requires minimum firmware version 7.3.0 and appliance software 7.3. See Version Dependencies by Feature for more information.

The Appliance Re-image feature is not supported on HSMs that use Functionality Modules. If you have ever enabled HSM policy 50: Allow Functionality Modules, even if the policy is currently disabled, you cannot re-image the HSM appliance. See FM Deployment Constraints for details.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



sysconf reimage start [-base]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-base -b Restore the Luna Network HSM to its original capability settings. With this option included, licenses such as partition packs are not preserved after the appliance re-image process. Purchased update licenses are still valid, and you can re-apply them (or apply them to a different Luna Network HSM) using the Thales Licensing Portal.


lunash:>sysconf reimage start

   The HSM Administrator is logged in. Proceeding...

   To remove audit logs from the HSM, you must configure the Audit Logs feature.
   If you do not configure Audit Logs before re-imaging, the existing audit log history will be retained in the HSM.

   Type 'proceed' to continue the re-imaging process without configuring Audit Logs, or 'quit' to cancel.
   > proceed

   WARNING: This operation will revert the Luna Network HSM to the baseline of software 7.2.0-220 with firmware 7.0.3 !!!

         (1) This is a destructive operation that erases all partitions and key material.
         (2) Ensure that you have a valid backup of all your partitions.
         (3) After completion, you must re-initialize the HSM.
         (4) After completion, remote PED must be re-connected.
         (5) This operation takes 15-20 minutes. Make sure you have power backup in place.
         (6) Access to the appliance will be unavailable. DO NOT restart the appliance during this time.
         (7) The operation erases all appliance logs.
         (8) The re-imaging operation will generate additional audit logs in the HSM.
         (9) The re-imaging procedure includes multiple appliance reboot.
         (10) This operation CANNOT be undone.

   Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now.
   > proceed

   Step 1 of 7: Backing up the appliance support information
   Step 2 of 7: Setting up the environment for the Appliance Re-image.
   Step 3 of 7: Extracting the packages
   This step may take a few minutes... \
   Step 4 of 7: Preparing the Luna Network HSM baseline installation scripts
   Step 5 of 7: Updating to the Luna Network HSM baseline firmware
   Step 6 of 7: Installing Luna Network HSM Base licenses
   This step may take a few minutes... \
   Step 7 of 7: Factory reset Luna Network HSM
   The Luna Network HSM with baseline firmware version has been factory reset.

The Luna Network HSM  will restart multiple times to complete the baseline installation.
This process could take 15-20 minutes.
Please wait for the operation to complete as interrupting the process could have adverse effects.