OTHERS Menu Functions

The OTHERS menu provides the following functions:

# Function Description
(90) Self Test

Not currently supported.

(94) Open Access

Creates a token access ID that is independent of any sessions so that the login state can be maintained even when your application exits. Used to allow the same application to return repeatedly for access without requiring a separate login each time. Remains active until closed with function (95) Close Access or until the token is removed.

(95) Close Access

Kills the ID generated by function (94) Open Access.

(97) Set App ID

You are prompted to type in an explicit application ID (in two parts, Major and Minor), rather than having it generated by Chrystoki. Doing so effectively causes all processes (using that Major/Minor application ID) on the machine to be recognized as the same application. Refer to the PKCS#11 Extensions document.

(98) Options

This item allows you to change some default options of the ckdemo program. You can turn off help (which prevents the entire menu from being displayed after each command), or select the type of session you wish (1) Open Session command to use. Use Option 0 to exit this menu and return to the ckdemo main menu.

For a list of these options, see (98) Options.

(100) LKM Commands

This option is to be deprecated in a future release, and is not usable.

(98) Options

Use option 16 if HSM firmware is newer than version 6.22.0 and you wish to use CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT.

Option Description (Default) Alternate
1 - Open Session Type Always R/W and Serial User selectable
2 - Display Help Always On demand
3 - PIN path User supplied ASCII password Selectable
4 - Echo input Disabled On all commands and data
5 - Sleep for n seconds Sleep for n seconds after writing special instructions to stderr Enter a number of seconds to sleep. Then enter the desired instructions. Finish entering instructions with a period (.) alone on a line
6 - KCV Default User supplied KCV Domain Selectable
7 - MofN path User supplied MofN path Selectable
9 - Input data for sign/derive Input from keyboard Input from file
10 - Object Usage Counters Disabled Selectable
11 - GCM IV Source External Internal
12 - ECIES Parameters Use default (XOR with HMAC_SHA1) Selectable
13 - X9.31 Signatures Allow X9.31 generated keys only Allow non-X9.31 generated keys
14 - Multipart enc/dec/sig/ver Use single part operations Use multi-part operations
15 - Use Old Enc/Dec Menu Use old Encrypt/Decrypt menu Use new Encrypt/Decrypt menu
16 - Role Support Enhanced roles - use with roles as they are implemented with PSO-capable firmware (f/w 6.22.0 and newer) Use HSM with legacy Luna roles (as found with f/w previous to v6.22.0)
17 - OAEP Hash Params Use default (SHA1 Digest and MGF1) Selectable
18 - Array Template Attributes Do not use array template attributes Use array template attributes
0 - Finished Return to ckdemo main menu