
fmrecover [--smfs] [--fm] <path>
--smfs Erase the SMFS
--fm Erase all FMs
<path> Path to HSM (k7) device node. An example path is: /dev/k7pf0

The FM recovery utility is used to force either all the FMs and/or the entire Secure Memory in the event that the HSM has been rendered non-responsive due to a badly configured FM being loaded.

NOTE   This tool is for use on a computer that hosts a Luna PCIe HSM locally. For Luna Network HSMs, use the LunaSH hsm fm commands.


To delete all FMs execute:

./fmrecover --fm /dev/k7pf0

To reformat SMFS execute:

./fmrecover --smfs /dev/k7pf0

To delete all FMs and reformat SMFS execute:

./fmrecover --fm --smfs /dev/k7pf0

The FM part of the command can be tested by loading an FM and then running ./fmrecover --fm /dev/k7pf0. Ensure that the FM is deleted.

The SMFS part of the command can be tested by running /fmrecover --smfs /dev/k7pf0. Ensure that the message "Formatting SMFS..." appears in the dmesg log.