FM Samples
There are three sample FMs provided with the Luna FM SDK package:
NOTE Sample FMs are distributed with the Luna FM SDK package. They have a similar file layout.
Each of the FM samples is structured in a similar way. Each sample directory contains:
makefile | makefile to build host and HSM side code |
fm | directory holding HSM side source |
host | directory holding host (server) side source |
include | optional directory to hold common header files |
Within the FM directory are files like these:
hdr.c | header file for the production build of the FM binary image |
sample.c | HSM side; main source for FM |
makefile | Makefile to build the FM and the application |
Within the host directory are files like this:
stub_sample.c | host side stub (request encoder/decoder) (needed only for custom API) |
sample.c | main source for host side test application |
makefile | Makefile to build the host side application for emulation, or production |
The samples are built using gnu make and the provided Makefiles. When working on a platform that has a native gnu make, such as Linux, you can use the system make command. (For Windows, consider nmake.)
>Production build, no debug information in binaries:
>Production build, with debug information in binaries and optimization turned off:
make DEBUG=1
Binary files generated by the above variants are placed in different directories. The directory names used are:
obj-ppc | FM Object files |
bin-ppc | FM Binary (FM image) |
Host Binary files generated by the above variants are placed in different directories. The directory names used are:
output/obj | Host side test application Object files |
output/bin | Host side test application executable |
The binaries generated from each variant can be deleted using the target ‘clean’.
make DEBUG=1 clean
Signing FM Images
The build scripts generate the unsigned FM binary image when the HSM builds are performed. The binary images are named ‘<samplename>.bin’. Since these images are not signed yet, it is not possible to load them into the HSM. To use the key management scheme (using self-signed FM certificates), follow the steps listed below:
1.Generate the key pair on the Admin token. Execute:
cmu generatekeypair -slot <adminslot> -password <userpin> -label <fmsign> -keytype <rsa> -sign <true> -verify <true> -modulusbits <2048>
This will generate a 2048 bit RSA key pair. The minimum key size for FM signing should be 2048 bits.
2.To obtain the handles of the new key objects. Execute:
cmu list -slot <adminslot> -password <userpin> -handle -class -label <fmsign>
3.To make a self signed certificate, execute:
cmu selfsigncertificate -slot <adminslot> -password <userpin> -publichandle <pubkeyhd1> -privatehandle <prikeyhd1> -label <fmcert> -cn <fmcert>
4.Now, the binary image can be signed using mkfm. In the directory where the binary image is generated, execute:
mkfm -k SLOTID=<adminslot>/<fmsign> -f<sampleN.bin>
where “<adminslot>” is the slot id where the signing key is located and <fmsign> is the label of the private signing key that was previously generated and <sampleN> is the binary image of the sample FM being signed. This will generate a signed FM binary image, named “”. This command requires the user password of the HSM partition to be entered.
5. Export the self-signed certificate to a file:
/usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/cmu export -slot <slot> -password <userpin> -label <fmcert label> -outputfile=<fmcert.cert>
6.Exit from all cryptoki applications that are still active, and load the FM image into the HSM.
For Luna PCIe HSM
Execute this command:
ctfm i -p <password> -k SLOTID=<adminslot>/<fmcert> -f <>
where <fmcert> is the name of the certificate in Admin Token used to verify the FM binary image integrity.
The load operation can be checked by executing the command:
ctfm q
and ensuring that the FM name is correct, and the FM status is “Loaded”.
For Luna Network HSM
Log in via Luna Shell, with hsm login and execute:
hsm fm load -certFile <filename> -fmFile <filename>
The load operation can be checked by executing the command:
hsm fm status
7.Copy the exported certificate file to the host of the HSM that is to use the FM. If the destination is a Luna Network HSM, use pscp or scp:
scp <fmcert.cert> admin@<hostname-or-ip-of-appliance>:
8.To enable the newly signed FM you must restart the HSM.
hsm restart
NOTE For Windows environments, set a search path to the libraries.
Example: for a default installation, set:
PATH=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\
Adjust your path statement if you selected a non-default install path during Luna HSM Client software installation.