partition setlegacydomain

Set the legacy cloning domain on a partition.

The legacy cloning domain for password-authenticated HSM partitions is the text string that was used as a cloning domain on the legacy HSM whose contents are to be migrated to the SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM partition.

The legacy cloning domain for PED-authenticated HSM partitions is the cloning domain secret on the red PED key for the legacy PED-authenticated HSM whose contents are to be migrated to the SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM partition.

Your target HSM partition has, and retains, whatever modern partition cloning domain was imprinted (on a red PED Key) when the partition was created. This command takes the domain value from your legacy HSM's red PED Key and associates that with the modern-format domain of the partition, to allow the partition to be the cloning (restore...) recipient of objects from the legacy (token) HSM.

You cannot migrate objects from a password-authenticated token/HSM to a PED-authenticated HSM partition, and you cannot migrate objects from a PED authenticated token/HSM to a Password authenticated HSM partition. Again, this is a security provision.

See About the Key Migration Guide in the Migration Guide for information on the possible combinations of source (legacy) tokens/HSMs and target (modern) HSM partitions and the disposition of token objects from one to the other.

NOTE   You can use this command repeatedly to associate different legacy domains to the current partition's cloning domain. This allows you to consolidate content from multiple legacy HSMs onto a single partition of a modern HSM.


partition setlegacydomain [-legacydomain <legacystring>] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-force -f Force action without prompting for confirmation.
-legacydomain <legacystring> -ld Legacy cloning domain string. This parameter must be specified for password-authenticated HSMs. It is optional for PED authenticated HSMs. If not specified, the domain is obtained using the PED.


lunacm:> partition setlegacydomain

        Existing Legacy Cloning Domain will be destroyed.
        Are you sure you wish to continue?

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now ->proceed

The PED prompts for the legacy red domain PED key (notice mention of "raw data" in the PED message).

Command result: No Error