stc activationtimeout set

Set the activation timeout for an STC link. The activation timeout is the maximum time allowed to establish the STC link before the channel request is dropped.

You must be logged in as the HSM SO to use this command.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




stc activationtimeout set -partition <partition_name> -time <timeout>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-partition <partition_name> -p Specifies the name of the partition for which you want to set the STC link activation timeout.
-time <timeout> -t

Specifies the activation timeout, in seconds.

Range:1 to 240



lunash:>stc activationtimeout set -partition partition2 -time 60

Successfully changed the activation timeout for partition partition2 to 60 seconds.

Command Result : 0 (Success)