srk transport

Enter Secure Transport Mode. This command places the HSM in transport mode, destroying the SRK split of the Master Key and causing all HSM content to be unusable. The use of external split(s) of the SRK (secure recovery key) on purple PED Keys must already be enabled.

The Backup HSM SO need not be logged in to the HSM to issue this command.

The srk commands apply to the G5 SafeNet Luna Backup HSM only.


srk transport


lunacm:> srk transport

        You are about configure the HSM in transport mode.
        If you proceed, Secure Recovery keys will be created
        and the HSM will be tampered.
        Are you sure you wish to continue?

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed

        Configuring the HSM for transport...

        HSM was successfully configured for transport.

Command Result : No Error