slot configset

Identify and set a SafeNet Luna Backup HSM partition to access at the specified slot number.

This command is used only with a SafeNet Luna Backup HSM at firmware version earlier than 6.22.0, and allows an archive partition on the Backup HSM to be accessed in a manner similar to an application partition on a general-purpose HSM. This command was originally developed for purposes of object migration from older PCMCIA-type HSMs in a SafeNet DOCK reader. It is still available, and can be used on a SafeNet Luna Backup HSM, if you have a use for it. For a Backup HSM partition that is exposed by the slot configset command, the following limitations apply:

>Keys cannot be used for cryptographic objects.

>Keys cannot be modified.

The benefit of applying the slot configset command to a Backup HSM is that, on an identified archive partition:

>Keys can be deleted, individually/selectively.

>Keys can be cloned to other HSM partitions.

Partitions are named as they are created on a Backup HSM to accept archived objects during backup operations. If more than one backup partition exists on a Backup HSM, they are not exposed when you perform the lunacm command slot list. Generally the only backup partition that is referenced by default when the slot listing shows a slot as containing a SafeNet Luna Backup HSM is from older editions of SafeNet Luna HSMs, and is called "Cryptoki User". To choose which, of potentially several, archive partitions within a Backup HSM is the active partition, and to make it accessible, you need to identify that archive partition by name.

The process is to list/view the partitions while the Backup HSM is the current slot in LunaCM, using partition list, in order to see their partition names. Then run slot configset -slot <slot#-of-the-backup-hsm> -partitionname <name-of-desired-partition-on-backup-hsm> Then, for example, use partition clone to clone selected objects to other HSM partition slots.

NOTE   The configuration set with this command exists for the current LunaCM session only. If you log out of your LunaCM session, your slot configset configuration is erased.


slot configset -slot <slot_number> -partitionname <partition_name>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-partitionname <partition_name> -p The partition name of the slot.
-slot <slot_number> -s Specifies the number of the slot for which you wish to set configuration settings.


lunacm:> slot configset -slot 1 -partitionname backuppar3

        Slot configuration was successfully updated.

Command Result : No Error