partition addsize

Increase the size of a backup partition by a specific number of bytes.

This command is applicable to SafeNet Luna Backup HSM partitions only, and appears in LunaCM only when a Backup HSM is connected. You must be logged in to the Backup HSM as HSM SO to use this command.


partition addsize -slot <number> -size <bytes> {-partition <name> | -all} [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-all -a Increase the size of all partitions on the slot by a specified number of bytes.
-force -f Force the action without prompting for confirmation.
-partition <name> -par The name of the affected partition.
-size <bytes> -si The storage space (in bytes) to be added to the partition.
-slot <number> -sl The slot where the partition is located.


lunacm:>partition archive list -slot 2

        HSM Storage Information for slot 2:

          Total HSM Storage Space: 16252928
          Used HSM Storage Space:  606468
          Free HSM Storage Space:  15646460
          Allowed Partitions:      20
          Number Of Partitions:    3

        Partition list for slot 2

          Number of partition: 2

          Name: bk1
          Total Storage Size:        200000
          Used Storage Size:         0
          Free Storage Size:         200000
          Number Of Objects:         0

          Name: bk2
          Total Storage Size:        200000
          Used Storage Size:         0
          Free Storage Size:         200000
          Number Of Objects:         0

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:>hsm login

        Please attend to the PED.

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:>partition addsize -slot 2 -size 999 -partition bk2

        This command will increase the user partition's storage size.
        Are you sure you wish to continue?

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now ->proceed

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:>partition archive list -slot 2

        HSM Storage Information for slot 2:

          Total HSM Storage Space: 16252928
          Used HSM Storage Space:  607467
          Free HSM Storage Space:  15645461
          Allowed Partitions:      20
          Number Of Partitions:    3

        Partition list for slot 2

          Number of partition: 2

          Name: bk1
          Total Storage Size:        200000
          Used Storage Size:         0
          Free Storage Size:         200000
          Number Of Objects:         0

          Name: bk2
          Total Storage Size:        200999
          Used Storage Size:         0
          Free Storage Size:         200999
          Number Of Objects:         0

Command Result : No Error