appid set

Set an application access ID on the HSM. Application IDs are assigned as a way of sharing login state among multiple processes. AppIDs require two 4-byte/32-bit unsigned integers, one designated "major" and the other designated "minor". After setting an appid, you must open it using appid open to allow your applications to use it to access the HSM. Once you set an appid you can open and close it, as required, to allow or deny application access to the HSM using the appid. For a full description of application IDs, see Application IDs in the SDK Reference Guide.

NOTE   If you are concerned that an unauthorized process might be able to take over a login state, then you can use large, difficult-to-guess numbers for the major and minor appids. If this is not a concern, or for use in a development lab, you can use any arbitrary, conveniently small integers.


appid set -major <value> -minor <value>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-major <value> -ma The major appid.
-minor <value> -mi The minor appid.


lunacm:> appid set -major 1 -minor 40

Command Result : No Error